In-Content HCP Focused Advertising
The majority of authenticated HCP marketing services are provided by technology companies arbitraging RTB. Those providers build dashboards which plug their advertiser’s ads into RTB exchanges, SSPs and other distribution outlets. They all offer unique data and analytics but their delivery systems are all the same and relegated to standard size IAB banners most often featured in the right rail or in the header of the Websites where they appear. There’s nothing wrong with buying branded banners and there’s real value in having HCP audiences see your brand. But "banner blindness" is a real and growing problem which effects consumers and HCPs alike. Like all healthcare marketers, HCP marketers face this obstacle in addition to other signal to noise hurdles which persist on the open Web. Seventy percent of individuals want to learn about products via content vehicles rather than through traditional advertising. All of these challenges are why Tap Native ad units are integrated above, within, or below editorial content on health, medical and wellness sites where HCPs congregate. Listen, branded ads are great but engagement and clicks are better. Native, content style placements can yield as much as 10X the engagement of typical banner ads.
In content placements
Around 65% of our HCP clicks comes from in-content placements like this example of a Tap Native responsive unit integrated into Everyday Health. These ad units are integrated into the content well, not the right rail. The unit is not a standard size and is designed to look like content including the site’s fonts and colors. The unit only appears when we detect an HCP matching our advertisers’ targeting parameters which can be a profession such as a physician or nurse practitioner, a medical specialty like oncology or endocrinology or an NPI number.

In addition to the above example, Tap Native also operated hundreds of multi-slot units which appear directly below articles. Some of your clicks will come from below article placements like this example on WebMD which only displays for authenticated HCPs.

Would you prefer a text only ad? No problem, when we have a text only ad, the ad appears by itself or with other text only ads like the example below.

The difference between in-content native ads and typical banners may seem like a subtle nuance but all performance focused KPIs show otherwise. In-content style ads garner more engagement, more clicks and convert better on the backend for a lower CPA and that’s not nuance any HCP marketer should ignore. The reality is this: Since you’re already spending real money getting your ad in front of high value HCPs its almost always better to get the click so you can add those targets to your retargeting pool. Now, you’ve gotten the click and for around .50 cents a month per user, you can keep your brand in front of them with relatively inexpensive retargeting through Criteo, Google or another retargeting provider
Tap Native Ad Specifications
Image+text ads
- Image is 1000x600 PNG, GIF or JPG file
- Headline is 60 characters with spaces
- Source is 30 characters with spaces
- Landing page URL (yes, we have a list of macros to use in the account dashboard)
Text only
- Headline is 150 characters with spaces
- Source is 75 characters with spaces
- Landing page URL (yes, we have a list of macros to use in the account dashboard)
Capture the Moment of Next
Engage healthcare providers at the moment of optimal opportunity when cognitive
is reduced, and your audience is most receptive to your message