In-line text now offers publishers a simple method of tapping

Designed specifically for health and medical content catering to consumers or healthcare professionals.

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Content Marketing for Nutraceuticals

From immune system boosters to cognitive performance enhancers to helping with weight loss, stress management, anti-aging or building muscle, the nutraceutical market is booming!

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Nurse Practitioners and Physician’s Assistants

On average, Nurse Practitioners (NPs) and Physician Assistants (PAs) see 23 patients daily. NPs and PAs focus on patient education, preventive care, and holistic treatment approaches.

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Integrating Tap Native Units for Web Publishers

There are several characteristics present in every successful integration of Tap Native content units into your sites page(s). We discuss them here so you understand how to maximize user experience, technical ops and revenue.

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How are Healthcare Professionals Perceiving my Ads?

Almost all healthcare marketers are obsessed with understanding how their digital ads are being received by the healthcare professionals. Let’s just say it so it’s clear, HCPs view internet ads with a critical and discerning eye because they are being bombarded. Here are some key insights into how they perceive and interact with targeted digital ads..

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Marketing to Physicians & Doctors

Physicians and other healthcare professionals are among the most heavily marketed groups on the Web. They see targeted banners on the vast majority of the websites they visit. As you might imagine, physicians and other healthcare professionals have developed banner blindness.

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Regional Medical and Wellness Marketing for New Patient...

You operate a local or regional physician's specialty, Spa, plastic surgery, or cosmetic dental practice. You want more patients, clients and customers, right? If you’d like to reach patient consumers while they are thinking about the service you provide, you're in the right spot.

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8 Thought Exercises for Healthcare Marketers Entering 2024

Clear your mind for some simple thought exercises to question what and how you are marketing your product. We know 2024 will be a year of unprecedented opportunities for healthcare marketers, and for many, that means finally getting your act together. I want to share 8 thought exercises worth your brain's bandwidth.

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Getting Started with Your Healthcare Campaign

All successful DTC and HCP native ad campaigns share similar characteristics. Administering a successful ad campaign requires mindful execution. Here's a simple checklist to guide you through the process. If you’re new to this, don’t let the process be daunting. If you understand the steps, the process and data will guide you. If all else fails, just ask us for help.

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Native Healthcare Advertising Examples

Native healthcare advertising is a powerful way to reach consumers or healthcare professionals. Native ads appear inside the editorial sections of health and medical websites, not on the right rail like typical banners.

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AI Images for Healthcare Marketing

Tap Native has taken the power of Generative AI and integrated it into our ad creation process. The new AI image resource allows healthcare marketers to tap an infinite cost-free resource which can drive engagement and conversions with target DTC or HCP audiences. Diversity of images has always been critical in order to allow the power of data to drive optimization. We understand that image licensing and curation can be expensive and time consuming.

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Revolutionizing Healthcare Recruitment With 1:1 Digital ...

In an increasingly digital world, where every aspect of our lives is touched by technology, it's only natural that healthcare employers should embrace innovative ways to engage with healthcare professionals or risk being diluted by the noisy masses.

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Health Condition Prevalence Ad Targeting

In collaboration with IQVIA, Tap Native has launched Condition Prevalence Ad Targeting, a simple and effective approach to DTC ad targeting based on the geo prevalence of physician diagnosed & seasonal conditions. Condition Prevalence Ad Targeting is available for dozens of conditions like migraines, psoriasis, asthma, cholesterol, obesity, pollen severity, Gerd, osteoarthritis and dozens more.

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Better DTC Healthcare Advertising

Healthcare marketers including pharma, device and service providers face a significant shift in the way they reach and engage with their audiences.

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Marketing to Healthcare professionals

We’ve compiled a list of items to understand how to quickly set up your audience engagement account to optimize reach, spend and reporting

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Medical practice marketing for better patient acquisition

Medical practices spend generously marketing their services to would be patients but much of those efforts are not hitting their mark. When it comes to search, that’s obviously a no brainer. Someone types in “dermatologist” and you’re listing comes up. It’s the right time, right place, right customer and the patient has high intent. But most patients seeking service do not click the sponsored results.

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Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery Marketing

When marketing and plastic & cosmetic surgery procedures, one need only follow how patients do their research before buying. Would be patients most often visit their favorite search engine to learn more about specific cosmetic procedures.

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Cosmetic Dental Marketing

Patients seeking to learn more about cosmetic dental procedures often end up on one of hundreds of popular health sites like,,, and others. This is why Tap Native ads appear inside or directly below those articles.

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Building A Physician Referral Network

Digital marketing to physicians can increase patient referrals dramatically when executed properly. From recommending products or referring patients to medical facilities or physicians with specialized areas of expertise, building an HCP referral network is about driving clear messages. As a marketer you’ll need to create a clear message and maximize HCP touch points to drive home that message. Here are 5 things to consider when marketing to physicians digitally.

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Tap Native Ad Units for Health, Medical, Wellness & Lifestyle

There are many reasons why Tap Native has been adopted by hundreds of premium health, medical and lifestyle digital publishers. Certainly, CPMs are far higher than typical native and content recommendation style ads.

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Tap Native Health & Medical Publishers

In 2018 we realized that health, medical and wellness publishers lacked a serious monetization solution so we built one. Our parent company, eHealthcare Solutions, was already working with hundreds of health publishers on the consumer and pro side. Since that time, Tap Native has become the leading health focused native ad platform and has been adopted by over 4400 top publishers.

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Medical Association Marketing

Medical association marketing has become a cottage industry. There are now hundreds of national and regional medical associations and societies vying for the attention of physicians and other healthcare professionals across the Web. They don’t just compete with each other, they compete with HCP focused social media sites, job boards and news sites all vying for the attention of healthcare professionals.

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Women’s Health and Beauty Marketing

We know health sites are an ideal place to reach women about all sorts of topics. From healthy eating and fitness to wellness and beauty products, the women’s demographic congregates on wellness sites. Health sites in particular have proven to be an ideal marketing channel for several fundamental reasons. As opposed to news sites, political sites, celebrity sites, social media sites etcetera, Health sites are quiet places for women to be self-reflective and to make deeply personal choices. In addition, most marketers understand that women make up 85% of household purchase decisions and are well aware of women’s formidable influence on all things commerce.

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Free sample marketing to physicians

Whether your offer is RX or OTC, offering free samples to physicians and other HCPs is a great strategy. Not only is putting your product in the hands of a physician a great way to solidify mindshare in the HCP, having them hand out your product to patients is an ideal way to create trust for the brand in both the HCP and the patient alike. Offering free product samples is a tried-and-true strategy which has been practiced for years but here’s some updated tactics to think about when orchestrating a digital marketing campaign targeting physicians.

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Physician level targeting with post click engagement

Engaging physicians and driving home key message points is exponentially more effective when the click is followed with an email.As marketers, we can only follow-up with physicians if they have self-identified by filling out a web form or if you can know the name of the physicians that have clicked your ads.

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Examples of Tap Native Advertising Case Studies

The following are examples of successful native ad campaigns run across the Tap Native health platform. These case studies have been anonymized but may look familiar as several of them have reached millions of users.

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HCP Native Advertising and Targeting

The majority of authenticated HCP marketing services are provided by technology companies arbitraging RTB. Those providers build dashboards which plug their advertiser’s ads into RTB exchanges, SSPs and other distribution outlets.

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Health Publisher Programmatic/Backfill Strategy

Having worked with dozens of leading health and medical publishers for over 3 years now, Tap Native has built a programmatic/backfill strategy for partners. The solution fills standard IAB units with quality health offers and provides 100% fill.

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Tap Native Ad Approval Guidelines

Tap Native is a health focused ad platform relied on by hundreds of digital health and medical publishers including non-profits, medical associations, and societies as well as health publishers with extremely high editorial standards and conservative expectations for the types of ads which appear on their digital properties.

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Monetizing HCP Audiences

If you’re operating a consumer health, wellness, or medical website then somewhere between 2% and 10% of your visitors are healthcare pros (HCPs). HCPs include physicians in every specialty, the full spectrum of nurses, pharmacists, physicians’ assistants, dentists, chiropractors and more. HCPs are an incredibly valuable segment of a digital health publisher’s audience

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Advertising and targeting healthcare professionals (HCPS)

Reaching HCPs at the right time and in the right frame of mind is key to delivering your message. We call the ideal time of interaction the moment of discovery Like all of us, HCPs periodically

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HCP Targeted Ads Added to Your Consumer Monetization Stack

On average around 4% of the visitors to consumer health sites are in fact authenticated healthcare professionals. HCPs visit consumer health sites for all sorts of reasons.

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NPI Targeting

NPI Targeting

An NPI number is part of the healthcare provider identification system adopted by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services as part of the Health Insurance Portability and

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How do you Calculate a Maximum Cost Per Acquisition

If you are a performance focused marketer, you’re likely less concerned with tactics like branding and metrics like ad viewability.CPA focused marketers are often most

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Creating an Ad on Tap Native

Creating an ad on Tap Native requires 4 basic assets, they are
1. An image 1000x600 PNG, JPG or GIF file
2. A Headline, 59 characters with spaces

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Clinical Trials Recruitment Marketing

Clinical trials recruitment marketing and advertising is easy with Tap Native. We’ve made it simple for over a dozen companies to target consumers across 400 popular health sites with

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Reaching New & Expectant Moms with Native Advertising

Reaching new and expectant mothers with targeted digital advertising can be a challenge. There are hundreds of different websites and sections which cater to new and expectant moms

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Hospital Content Marketing and Native Advertising

There are 4 fundamental characteristics inherent in every successful content marketing campaign we’ve fulfilled for hospitals and health systems. They...

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Creating Successful Campaigns with the Drug & Condition Match

There are many ways of creating targeting criteria on Tap Native. This overview will help guide you through the options for creating targeted campaigns on Tap Native...

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Ad Creative & Copy Ideas

We all need ideas to get the creative juices flowing. Below you’ll find several generic concepts to help you brainstorm ways of presenting your health centric product or service...

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A Unique Way to Reach Search Engine Users

Buying search is smart because you’re reaching people about exactly what they want at the right time. The fact is, the majority of searchers don’t click the sponsored links...

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New Advertiser Checklist

We’ve compiled a short list of important things to understand about your Tap Native content marketing account. Take a moment to understand these so your efforts are more fruitful

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Health Traffic Exchange

Tap Native’s Health Traffic Exchange is an ideal way to drive in-market health audiences to your site and content without paying a dime

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Pharmaceutical Native Advertising & Content Marketing

While typical banner and display ads have suffered fatigue and continued declines in engagement rates, in-content native ads are creating record engagement

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Let the Conversions Begin!

You have a health-related offer for consumers or healthcare professionals. Your organization has spent a ton of time, money and resources

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The Value of a Visit

How providing multiple choices for engagement increases revenue for publishers and the value of native advertising spend for advertisers

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Creating Effective Native Ads

Creating a competitive ad is essential to generating clicks as well as reducing your overall cost per click

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What is Native Advertising in Healthcare?

Native advertising in healthcare is a burgeoning trend among healthcare marketers engaging in content-based marketing

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Healthcare Storytelling is the New Healthcare Marketing

The health and wellness industry allocates billions to advertising budgets, creating one of the largest advertising categories in the U.S

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How to use Content Marketing in Healthcare Public Relations

The native content marketing boom is particularly relevant in healthcare because healthcare is such an information rich industry

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Effective Images & Best Practices

Here are some great tips for choosing the best images for your native ads.

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Monetizing visits from Healthcare Professionals

Monetizing visits from Healthcare Professionals

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Native Advertising for Healthcare - What You Need to Know

Native advertising will drive 74 percent of all display ad revenue by 2021 according to sources like Business Insider. The reason is

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Examples of Effective Native Advertising for Healthcare

Healthcare marketing is booming as more people take an active role in staying healthy. Innovative healthcare marketers are achieving a new level of success

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