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Native Advertising for Healthcare

What you need to know.

Native advertising will drive 74 percent of all display ad revenue by 2021 according to sources like Business Insider. The reason is simple, native advertising is exponentially more effective at engaging an audience’s attention than standard display banners and there have been dozens of studies that say so like this.

Consumers look and consider native ad formats nearly twice as much as standard display ads. The English Oxford Dictionary defines the word native as “a local inhabitant”. The term native is appropriate because native ads are typically featured within the content section of a webpage and are configured in content style formats which look like content, so they are not as habitually ignored as typical banner ads. Native ad placements and configurations result in significantly higher brand lift than typical banner ads.

Consumer audiences including healthcare and medical professionals are also far more likely to share content they discover through a native ad. More healthcare markers including pharma, medical device, consumer product and health service providers like hospitals and other local health providers are utilizing native ads to drive target audiences to corporate sites, product and brand showcase sites and even to paid or earned media.

Healthcare advertisers may find native ads easier to setup and administer as the creative is typically far easier to create and get approved. Typical native ads are comprised of four simple elements: An image, a headline, a source name and a click through URL.

If consumers of your product or service generally do not or cannot transact online like buying toothpaste, deodorant, pain killers, medical devices or prescriptions then branding will likely be more effective. Don’t believe me? Ask yourself the simple question: Have you ever purchased toothpaste or deodorant online? That’s why every single ad you see for toothpaste and deodorant is so heavily branded.

Branded vs. Non-Branded

The answer to the question of "branded vs. unbranded" depends largely on your brand’s ability to transact online. In the illustration below you’ll see a generic ad creative demonstrating a spectrum of branding which health related marketers ponder when crafting a traffic vs. branding strategy. Generally, if your service or product can organically transact online such as OTC supplements or garments like athleticwear or shapewear then clicks are a preferred method and reducing the branding on ads may pay big dividend down the funnel.

Some products and services fall somewhere in the middle, some products are only sold after a lead is generated, so there needs to be some thought put in to match the reality of your sales funnel. Local and regional healthcare providers for elective procedures like bariatrics surgery, Lasik, cosmetic surgeries like breast augmentation or dental cosmetics are examples of services where marketers might consider less branded or non-branded ads and landing pages to generate more leads and begin the sales funnel process.

The Time to Talk About Beauty is When They’re Thinking About Beauty

Just one tiny fraction of health in the U.S. such as beauty and personal care market is a 84 billion dollar market. There is no more lucrative a market then the USA for marketing these types of products online. But engaging with the right audience at the right time is key to making the ROI formula work. That is to say if you want to reach women about your skin cream product for women, you’ll want to reach women while they are consuming information about their own health and wellbeing. If they’re reading about politics, local news or business, they may not be in the frame of mind to be focused on the self. Engagement and conversation rates from contextually related content grew by 240%!

Bidding Strategy

Bidding strategies vary by advertiser, platform, target audience, device type and other parameters. In general, the rarer an audience, the higher the cost of engaging with them becomes. Many native providers require advertisers to bid on a CPM basis, which charges the advertiser on a cost per thousand impression basis. You may have to pay on a CPM basis if your ad is heavily branded or if the audience is niche or being retargeted. You may also have to pay on a CPM basis if your ad is not attractive. CPC or cost per click bidding allows performance marketers to test ads and landing pages with less risk then typical CPM based advertising.

Another great trait of native ads is that you can create many different versions (often called AB testing) in order to identify the one which creates an ideal blend of costs, click throughs and conversions. Regardless of whether you are bidding on a CPM or CPC or even on a CPA basis, your ad must compete in the marketplace on an eCPM basis or it will not be shown. Again, this is why non-branded ads generally seem to work better because you can bid on a CPC basis, get clicks, the ad performs and everyone wins.

Tap Native is a native ad provider focusing exclusively on top tier health and wellness advertisers and publishers. You can find Tap Native ad units across a large and growing network of health and wellness related websites includes condition and disease sites, general health sites, diet, fitness, food and weight loss websites as well general news sites that publish health related news and information.

Tap Native is the leading native ad platform focused exclusively on health. Its founders have over 40 years combined experience building advanced advertising technology and win-win collaborations in the ehealth, marketing and native advertising space.

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Tap Native ad units are integrated within the content of popular health, medical and lifestyle sites.