You operate a local or regional physician's specialty, Spa, plastic surgery, or cosmetic dental practice. You want more patients, clients and customers, right? If you’d like to reach patient consumers while they are thinking about the service you provide, you're in the right spot. Tap Native is the largest health and wellness-focused native ad platform on the Web. Our ads appear on most health, medical and wellness websites like,,,,, and hundreds more. Tap Native ad units are displayed inside the content, not on the right rail like banners, and look like this:

There are 5 fundamental characteristics inherent in Tap Native campaigns, they are:
1. Reaching the Consumer Patients in the Right State of Mind– You're far better off marketing to audiences actively browsing clinical health and wellness content because they seek answers to important personal questions. These folks are in the market today, like right now. If you're buying across those rather noisy news sites, political sites, finance sites, tech sites, or social media platforms, you might get lackluster results because the signal-to-noise and audience intent are both low. This is why Tap Native units are inside the content and reach users while they are in the right frame of mind and ready to be acquired.

2. Contextual Placements Rule – Reach your audience contextually as much as possible. Being featured on health sites is excellent, but even health is too broad a vertical when marketing specific services. With Tap Native's simple-to-use Condition Match Targeting system, you can choose the types of articles in which your offer will appear. Your cosmetic practice offer will be featured in articles about skin health, Botox, mole removal, and Microdermabrasion, all by selecting relevant conditions and keywords. Your spa offer will appear in articles about facials, massages, body treatments, and skincare.

3. Content Style Ads Get More Engagement - It's no secret that the masses increasingly block out banner ads and focus on the content sections of Web pages. That's why Tap Native ads are integrated into the editorial content. Seventy percent of individuals want to learn about products via content vehicles rather than traditional banner advertising. Patient acquisition marketing using content style ads gets results.
4. Geo Target in Your Footprint – Tap Native ads can be geo-targeted to your service footprint. You can enter your location address and choose a radius around the address, say 20 miles. Only users within that radius will see your ad. If you have multiple locations, you can upload a zip list. We got you covered here.

5. Measure Cost per action (CPA) - By adding our conversion tracking pixel to your sign-up confirmation page, you can track using ups, and the dashboard will report which ads create the most value at the lowest Cost per conversion. Patient acquisition marketing using performance metrics reduces the cost per patient to ensure healthy margins.
What's next? You can create a free account here. If you've already signed up, simply click the blue button in the upper right of your advertising dashboard! Pick headlines and use our free generative AI to create images that work for your business. Creating ads is simple; it's fast, and your ad can be live across of hundreds of health sites in around 5 minutes.
Who uses Tap Native to market acquire new patients and customers? Hospitals, Private Physician Groups / Specialty Services, Urgent Care Clinics, Cosmetic Dentistry, Plastic Surgery, Lasik Providers, Spa Services, Mental Health and Counseling, In-Home Healthcare Services, Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine Providers, Gyms and Fitness Studios, Diagnostic Services and more.